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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy, Happy!

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl! Today is her actual birthday and she had a great time at her school party. We will have our family & friends party this weekend (will blog photos/details afterwards).It was COOOOLD and windy this morning - can you tell?!
She's sooooo sweet. When I asked if we could take her picture she replied "sure!"
And here she is showing me she's THREE years old.

Happy, Happy Birthday to my sweet girl!!

P.S. A quick pic of our V-Day outfit ...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bag Tags!

I packaged up my sewing machine and shipped it to Ken's Sewing Center yesterday for a tune up. Why does it seem that while I'm machineless I have so much time for sewing?!?! Withdrawals have set in, so I've been doing some applique shopping in my SPARE time. Once my machine is back home (hoping this coming week) these are on the top of my To Do list.

I love these bag tags (or anything tags). Check out Applique Momma for more tag designs. Great for apparel, room decor, organization, anything. The crafty part of brain gets excited when I think of the endless possibilities with fabric/font options. And since it's pretty much a rule to put our name/initials on everything we own, these are PeRfEcT!!

Outside of sewing (or my recent lack of) we've been battling the crud that has taken over every family I know. Since Christmas Mary Katherine has had strep, sinus infection, and stomach bug. Bam. Bam. Bam. We are on our second bottle of Mucinex Cough!! For you other mommies out there feeling terrible for wiping your child's poor red nose for the zillionth time in the last hour, here's my secret ingredient.
I received this tiny trial sized tube of lanolin from the hospital nurse when MK was born. It's actually used by nursing mothers, but it's also great for sore noses, chapped cheeks and lips, and dry/cracked skin. This brand of lanolin can be purchased at Target (among other places I'm sure).

Lastly, a couple of silly pictures. I'd laid out MK's school clothes the night before and the next thing I knew she came in wearing this. Her undies over her pj's. She'd done it "all by myselp" and actually had them on correctly.
Then we needed to put every single barrette and hair accessory in our possession in her hair.

Silly girl!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I graduated high school in 2000 - the turn of the century was such a big to-do. Where did the time go?! Since 2000 I've graduated college, gotten married, bought our home, changed jobs, had our beautiful daughter, and most recently added Turkey Tales to my resume. I guess you can say I like to stay busy!

The post Christmas lull is wearing off and customer orders are trickling in. I have a couple of leftovers from 2010 and I'm already looking ahead to Valentine's Day and Easter. While heirlooms and jon jons are a must for church attire on Easter don't forget Easter egg hunts and pictures with the Easter bunny too! Our design department *LOL* is already brainstorming for some super-de-duper cute outfits. Be sure to STAY TUNED!

Sorry for the short sans-photo post. Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. Happy Julianuary!!!