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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Polling the Audience

Turkey Tales has been very fortunate in attaining lots of followers - be it via the blog, the blogs of others, our Facebook page, or customer referrals. Technology + social networking = awesome marketing options!! THANK YOU to everyone, really, thank you :)

In an effort to ensure I don't lose any of you, I need a little feedback. Remember this post when I hinted some BIG changes coming soon to Turkey Tales? Well, here's change #1: Turkey Tales will be changing its name!! What does this mean for all of our followers? A new blog address!! Of course there will be lots more details to come during the transition time...lots of details that I'm literally busting at the seams to share with all of you...but, soon!!


Will all of the Turkey Tales followers continue to follow us via the NEW blog site? Don't worry, the new site address is still to be announced, you haven't missed anything.

Will all of my *sweet* blog friends pretty please update their blog rolls with our new name and blog address once announced?

Vote. Comment. Email. Come on, don't be shy! This is a really big, important decision!!

I'll continue with my (almost) weekly, sometimes more than weekly posts about applique/monogram projects, custom outfits, random thoughts, crafty ideas, and my sweet, silly, ever-surprising, did I mention sweet? daughter, family events and updates - you know, the normal stuff. There will be more updates leading to the unveiling of the new blog and all that it will include, notices of any changes you may need to know about, and reminders of those changes because if you're like me, you have to be reminded about things.

Have a great weekend!! Can you tell I'm ready for some SUMMER?!

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Owl" Be Yours!

Got this idea from a *sweet* friend. And thanks to my *sweet* mom who went all over town looking for Valentines while I laid on the couch with a stomach bug!! But, I just can't help myself when construction paper is involved. Mary Katherine & I had so much fun making these together!
"Owl" always be your friend! :)

I already posted MK's Valentine outfit which was the most popular V-day design for the girls. And this one for the boys.
In other news, MK started gymnastics last week - FUN!!
In other, other news - STAY TUNED FOR SOME BIG CHANGES COMING SOON TO TURKEY TALES!! I don't want to give out too much info b/c it's still in the works. Just have to wait and see :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week In Revew:

It's been a busy 7 days! Where shall we start? ... Thursday and Friday consisted of preparing the cake and treats for Mary Katherine's 3rd birthday party. Oh how I love DIY projects.
The cake ingredients. So pretty just sitting there waiting. I chose not to include any pictures of MK sitting on the counter, covered in flour and confectioners sugar, "helping."
The finished project! And the birthday 'focal point' aka my kitchen table. The party theme was Strawberry Shortcake, but mostly included lots of red, pink, and green. Tissue paper flowers suspended from my curtain rod were a cute touch. The cake table also included chocolate covered marshmallows and a candy jar.
A quick Mommy & me pic before the party.
The birthday song. Might I add that the adorable outfit MK is wearing was designed and sewn by Turkey Tales! You know I had to get a plug!

Then comes the Monday after the party...
Pediatrician's office visit #1 = Upper Respiratory Infection. We get our meds and go on our merry way. A persistent cough and fever leads to Pediatrician's office visit #2 on Wednesday, ear infection, new antibiotic. What could be better than two trips to the ped's office in one week ... a sick ME! I never go to the doctor, you know moms don't have time to be sick! What I'd self-diagnosed as flu-monia-chitis turned out to be only a sinus infection. I had no idea a sinus infection could make you feel so bad!!!

I did get a little sewing done in the midst of all the sickness. Still have a couple more V-day shirts to finish amongst other things. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Heading home soon to Lysol my entire house and maybe even cast a spell to keep the germs away!!!